Transition Statement

As Dan Theobald returns to the teaching profession in the Hauser school system, the executive board has decided to distribute his responsibilities among the church staff.

Pastor Robb Barlow will oversee the middle school and high school activities, and current volunteer leaders will stay in place. Kari Justice will assume responsibility for Sunday morning children’s ministries, Refuel, and summer events. Nathaniel Juniper will will teach the high school Bible study on Sunday evenings and continue to be instrumental in student fellowship under the guidance of the Senior Pastor.

Since Kari has a successful welcome ministry already in place, she will be passing that responsibility on to Nathaniel. Kari will retain her role as Assimilation Director and continue to maintain the many groups she started nearly three years ago.

Other events, such as the mission trip and special events, will continue to be a collaborative effort between the staff members.

In Christ,

Rich Whittenbarger, Overseer

Steve Sheaffer, Overseer

Don Hart, Overseer

Greg Branson, Chairman of the Deacons

Bill Collins, Chairman of the Trustees